Tuesday, June 17, 2014

GraniteWarehouseTN Nashville Tennessee Counter tops - Client update #2

GraniteWarehouseTN - Client Update #2

show you're support by liking my work, and their social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GraniteWarehouseTN
Instagram: http://instagram.com/granitewarehouseTN#
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/GraniteTN/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GraniteTN
Linked In: awaiting verification
Google+ business: https://plus.google.com/109425580213131037511/about


Nashville Tennessee(I am charging considerably lower prices until Daily Audience is officially launched you can follow the launch countdown videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DailyAudience )

 The first day, and initial setup proved to be a success as shown in the last post. I insist to be given at least 5 days to finish the setup, but really it's the time shortly after where the setup really shines. A first wave of likes should come in. This includes setting up every platform that you have opted in with. For GraniteWarehouseTN this included quite a few. Experiencing this especially with this many social media platforms made me realize I must include an SEO/Social Media Consultation fee. The reason for this is because a great deal of my work requires research in your specific niche. It also requires myself (if locally) to take many pictures for content. Or having picture content sent to me via e-mail and such. Some platforms like linked in, pinterest, and google+ require very unique verification processes. Pinterest requires certain tags to be placed in the html header of your website. After the setup was complete within a week or so the page had generated 148 likes. Through proper SEO, facebook group shares, and creating clean looking professional graphics the Facebook page alone generates between 800-1000 viewers alone. This is only after the first week of the Daily Audience service.

As you can see from the screenshot the GraniteWarehouseTN Pinterest features a pinboard that shows pictures of fireworks on the 4th of July in Nashville, Tennessee! The reasoning for this is because it will easily allow local Pinterest users in the area of GraniteWarehouseTN to be redirected to the website. This allows more people to be introduced to their beautiful counter tops.

Check out a couple of the photos that have been shared between Instagram, Facebook, and such, don't be afraid to click them and give them a like! My client and I would appreciate it!

https://www.facebook.com/GraniteWarehouseTN/photos/a.655468831194855.1073741829.654855431256195/655468444528227/?type=1&theater                                  http://instagram.com/p/pFABDCFgg1/ 

 Here are a few examples of the graphic ads being shared to the Facebook groups. I do take pride in my graphic design. I know it is not flawless, I am learning everyday. However I have a good bit of knowledge, and experience about the uses and endless possibilities available with software like the Adobe Suite.

Each of these posts are viewed quite a bit even with the small list of groups I have just started building for the GraniteWarehouseTN project.

I am also still working on the Daily Audience video tutorial playlist do not worry. Through these playlists I will teach you guys a bit about what I do here, and how to do it yourself. You'll be able to view those at: https://www.youtube.com/user/DailyAudience

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