All of these useful web conferences, video tutorials, E-books, and others have us implementing all sorts of strong tactics to increase our viewers. We work so hard to ensure we reach our audience and maximize our revenue! A lot of times we forget that our social media pages should engage those viewers. There should always be an interaction happening. Instead of seeing your content and moving on your traffic should be liking, sharing, commenting, and subscribing to your content! Remember that word? Social! I know it's basic stuff but let's look at the definition of social:
"friendlycompanionshipor relations" "seekingorenjoyingthecompanionshipofothers" "toliveincompanionshipwithothers orina community, ratherthaninisolation"
Never forget that you should treat the people you interact with over social media as if they were right in front of you in your company. You should not have an empty feel to your words. They shouldn't feel like this is an "automated response". Not sure about you, but when I am with friends and family and have anything to solve their problems I will often times offer my solution. For example: "You haven't eaten all day, would you like anything to eat?". That is only the polite thing to do. This should be the same if not more important when it comes to your clients and online interactions. You should always be thinking of ways to help the people around you. I cannot possibly tell you the types of problems you personally can solve but you should be thinking things like "how can I help this person?" or "what kind of solution would be best for them?" The more genuine you are, the more likely your social media pages will receive other genuine input and interaction! Because we deal with WAY too much spam already to be over encumbered by it on our own pages. (If you don't have time for customer service hire someone that does because it is important!)
With all of this in mind I decided it was the right time to show my mug on the Daily Audience Facebook page. I personally prefer not including my face in too many things because often times the content is not about ME. So why would I want my face in tutorials if it's about trying to teach the viewer about something on the screen rather than my face on a webcam. However on the other hand you shouldn't be no where to be found. It feels empty, and even fake on some occasions when you cannot find a single human being behind a piece of content on the internet.
BUT WAIT! We were just talking about SOCIAL MEDIA, COMPANIONSHIP, and COMMUNITIES! That is why you should decide where it is you can find the more 'behind the scenes' feel to your business. Where you can post that you guys had a little cake for an employees birthday, or you got some new comfy office chairs! Not only can it be fun, and engaging for your clients but your employees as well! For this I recommend Facebook, Instagram, or a Blog.
I hope you learned something from this quick blog entry! If you have anything to add be sure to comment below!
For business inquiries contact me at
For more social media management, Search Engine Optimization, and Daily Audience:
notice that the sign in the picture reads J&L Pawn and Sales.
That's because that is the old store name from the previous owner. The
new Pawn shop owner, Jeremy, has put up the new sign since then so it
correctly reads J-Dub's Pawn and Sales.
Not very far up the road from me is J-Dub's Pawn and Sales . Any stores that sell a broad spectrum of items can use my social media management skills to great potential! This is because I can post each and every item available in the store online for customers to view. Not only can I do that but I can send targeted local traffic to those posts. Places like this I typically will check out in person, and introduce myself to the owner. I'll offer them my services, and tell them how they can really benefit from hiring me. Surprisingly a lot of business owners around here in West Tennessee are very far behind when it comes to technology and the many great things it can do for them. In fact I talked to a store owner recently who said I quote "well didn't even know what Facebook was till yesterday. I tend to get 1 of 3 reactions. The first and second being more likely than not. The first is the "No I don't have a Facebook, I don't need any of your stuff leave now". The second being "I already have my grand daughter doing that" only to look at their page and see maybe 2 posts every other month. The last is the "Okay, I know how strong this internet stuff is let me see if this guy can help me". I'm always happy to receive the third because it let's me explain how beneficial I can be for their business.
After discussing all the things I can do for Jeremy and his pawn shop he agreed to pay a $15 setup fee for me to setup his Facebook account, create necessary graphics, and research the best social media campaign available to him. Followed by $15/week for posting and managing his Facebook page on a daily basis. You can view that page here
The first thing I did was take over 50 pictures of any item I could find in the store while I talked to Jeremy and let him know about how I'd be managing his account, and reaching out to local customers. I also let him know that I am Comptia A+ certified and if he had any computer problems he could let me know. He told me that he might need me to fix his computer one of these mornings because it was doing some crazy things, and asked if I was able to setup a new wireless printer. I told him that would be no problem, I've never been stumped by any computer problem and actually enjoy troubleshooting these things for people. At the end he signed a contract of mine stating everything I would be doing for him along with the price of $15/week. I create Daily Audience contracts for my clients in hopes that it will only strengthen their decision with hiring me. As clearly as possible I list everything that I will be doing to help them. I can't imagine anybody would hesitate after they see the long list of work I'll be doing to make sure they receive the best management, and SEO.
Complications arise?
That night was filled with creating the Facebook, and posting up a couple of the items to kick it off. For 2 weeks things were great. Everything went great, I was able to post new content every day and continue building the J-Dub's Pawn and Sales Facebook page. On the third week I went to the shop to talk to Jeremy, and receive payment. The shop was closed and Jeremy was nowhere to be found so I gave him a call. He didn't answer so I shot him a text asking when he would be at the shop. A week or so later I received a text saying he was out of town and wouldn't be back until the following Wednesday. I said okay, and continued to manage his Facebook account. The following Wednesday (day I'm supposed to get paid) he was nowhere to be found again. I did the same and he said it would be a few more days, and he apologized. I said no problem and kept managing his account (alongside my other client's) When the third Wednesday arrived and I still hadn't heard from Jeremy and noticed he wasn't at the Pawn Shop again tried to get a hold of him. Call, no answer. Sent him a text and asked if he knew when he'd be around. He said that he was in an accident and was at a hospital that was out of town. He said he would be back in town next week. I told him I was sorry and wished him the best on getting better. Long story short, next week he tells me he's going to be there and doesn't show up at all. I told him that I really didn't have the time to mess around and just asked for an honest answer when he'd be around again. I couldn't get one. After the first month and a half with no payment I decided I had to put my attention elsewhere. I let him know of my decision and he got a little upset with me. Eventually some 2 months later he gets around to paying me for the previous work. I told him that I'd be happy to help him out again, and he says that would be great and he will need me. Haven't heard anything from him since. I'm not going into post screenshots of the texts or anything, because I feel that would be unprofessional. Let me tell you something I learned and have always followed since I got my first job at Gamestop in High School. In fact we'll do another Social Media Manager Pro Tip: NEVER argue with a customer . Your best action will be trying to help your customers in any way possible. If they get upset with you explain the situation as best you can with a positive attitude. If as a last resort you have to lose a customer try not to make it feel like anybody's fault. Help them however you can, and move on. Even if that includes recommending them to someone else. When I worked at Best Buy if there was a product we didn't have, or a service we didn't offer we would even recommend other stores such at Staples from across the street. Customer service is a big deal people, always be professional, and never send a customer away in worse shape that they came in.
Some really cool stuff has been happening with GraniteWarehouseTN! Plus the most amazing milestone has been achieved! Before I talk about the good new I'm gonna talk about the other good news! I was happy one morning when found out who just had liked the GW Facebook Page. It was Mayor Jill Holland! I actually have met her in person before and she was really nice. I know I'm optimistic, but I find great news everywhere I can. I am so blessed with the ability to do this for a living. I love my job!
So what was that great big milestone I was talking about earlier?!
GraniteWarehouseTN reaches the first position in
google search!
Yes! My work is truly paying off and it really has come to shine! When I first started social media management for GW I could not find them in even the 3rd or 4th pages of google by searching things like "granite warehouse", "granite tennessee" or even "granite warehouse tennessee". Initially taking on the job I mentioned that I had the ability to boost him to the first page of google's search results after sticking with me.
StoneWorldTN was previously the first result whenever I typed in related keywords. BUT NOT TODAY! Sorry guys, but we have superior SEO management! MWUAHAHAHAH! *ahem* At first I was skeptical. I thought maybe browser cookies played a part in skewing a more general search. I searched from my laptop, and phone with the same results. Even with a different internet connection. I still wasn't so sure so I had my old friend from Maine do a search from his place. He got the same results! YES! An entire team of people costing you over $1,000 a month? No, just one nerd charging less than half of that. I'm so glad my highest paying customer (the one who opted in with the highest quality services available) was able to reach the first page of google after about 5 months of service. While GW is a great client, and I can help them out in many many ways...believe it or not I don't think that I am able to leverage my skills the most with them. Every goal has been met, and many more have been added. Things are going great! However GraniteWarehouseTN has no products that are able to be shipped or sold outside of West Tennessee. The business owners with that ability are the ones I will be able to really help. I will be able to boost them to the top, and it will really show in the revenue department.
Ohhh man it's nearly 1am already. We are nearly caught up with the slightly older updates and now I will be able to update you guys in real time. Look forward to new posts soon!
Please continue to like follow my client's pages Both GraniteWarehouse, and I appreciate all of your support!
The original plan was to get jiggy with some css and fancy my blogger blog up before I do any more updates. However that came to an abrupt halt once I realized how much blogger confuses me. There isn't much tutorial content out there that's easy to follow and understand when it comes to specific features of blogger. (if you're good with these blogger templates and can give me a hand then hit me up!)
Okay! I plan to do a number of updates to the work I've been doing in several areas on a regular basis over the next few days. I will probably be doing them every other day. My clients are my number one priority, as you see I always promote them to the best of my ability. It's what I do! I offer the best social marketing techniques to give you a Daily Audience. This is incredibly powerful for several reasons. Let me first remind you of the fact shown on my instagram.
Yes 93% of people use a portion of my tactics to grow their business, and 92% of them achieve success.
This blog will contain what many will consider as valuable information. I'll tell you as much as I can, and you will see how my clients appear out of no where on the search engines.
Learning the best social media marketing tactics is mostly done via research. It's all based on the VERY latest trendy campaigns. In every post, every pinterest board, every hashtag, every retweet, there is a strategy to capitalize on. Follow along with Daily Audience. Learn and grow with me! I also suggest you take a look at other networks similar to yours. What are they doing on instagram? What are they doing on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest? Are you a restaurant owner? Check out other local restaurants pages online and see what's working well for them. Are you a music producer? Check out other soundcloud pages, and take a look around.
You will find useful tips here
You might also want to check out Daily Audience on youtube. You'll find some useful information there as well. Soon I will be writing a very low priced e-book featuring a clever way to funnel targeted traffic directly to your desired pages using Facebook. I originally was going to post this for free, but I realized that not too many people were aware of this strategy. You'll see the e-book available once I release my third installment to the Daily Audience youtube video series. I'll also link it here when I'm finished.
E-book link: currently working on it
If you have no clue what you're doing, but can't afford to miss out on maximizing revenue to your business then you're in luck! Contact me, and I will start developing your campaign. I can even manage your content on a daily basis!
What have I been doing lately?! Where have the weekly updates been?
I certainly have been busy, and I want to update as much as I can remember. So let's get to it.
GraniteWarehouseTN Client update # 3.5:
Where I left off with GraniteWarehouseTN last was visiting the showroom in Nashville to collect pictures for the social media posts, and creating the Angie's List. The following couple weeks I first collected a list of their satisfied customer's. I then called each one scheduling times that I could come in and quickly take 10 minutes or so to take pictures. This included homes in West Tennessee including Huntington, Gleason, and Mckenzie Tennessee. I took pictures of their beautiful kitchens for more content, and many of them were happy to co-operate! In fact several of them were eager to see their kitchens on the GraniteWarehouseTN facebook page! Social Media Manager Pro tip: The more unique content you have the better. Know that there will never be a day where you have enough pictures. Images are much more effective than text for a variety of reasons. Afterwards I of course spent time creating unique social media posts to each of the pages Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and more.
Feel free to click the pictures and check out the pages. :)
Here's just some of the content I have been posting over those following couple weeks. Keep in mind I'm doing all of this at the very affordable price of $90/week.
That's enough updating for me today, come again the day after tomorrow for the next update. Many new exciting things happened, including a new client!
I appreciate every new follower on both my social media, and my client's pages as well! Follow along to both support me, and learn how to be an SEO expert! (news about just how great I am at SEO is soon to come, I'm very excited)
This is a clear and easy tutorial on how to create a professional Facebook business page with SEO in mind. The next video will feature some very handy techniques to promoting the new page you have created so if you haven't learned anything new so far be sure to follow the series for even more unique tips to help you generate the traffic you need!
One more thing to mention, as soon as you reach Facebook like requirement it's a good idea to change your URL in the settings to a custom unique one rather than the bunch of letters and numbers that you are given by default. Go ahead and connect your facebook, and instagram accounts as well. I hope you're familiar with facebook groups as well because I'll be covering this, and many more things in the next video/blog post!
Recently I took a trip to the warehouse of GraniteWarehouseTN in Nashville. It's about an hour from me, once I got there I took many pictures to post to various social media websites. The showroom was very impressive. All of the granite, marble, and quartz counter tops on display were something that could truly be appreciated. After taking pictures of the showroom I went to the back warehouse where everybody was busy working to create these gorgeous counter tops to be installed to homes of Western Tennessee. While I did collect a lot of pictures I feel we are still lacking on exclusive content. I'll be scheduling a time to visit previous work sites for more pictures.
Every single desk including this conference table was an amazing granite masterpiece.
After doing further research, and studying SEO tactics I've found that site's like angieslist are highly beneficial for this specific business type of business so I've gone ahead and created one for GraniteWarehouseTN. I am always sure to take any chance I get to increase page ranking, create backlinks, broaden their presence on the internet, etc with the ultimate goal being to increase traffic, and bring more customers to GraniteWarehouse. I am ALWAYS reading up on the latest techniques to increase traffic and sales. I spend a large majority of my time doing so. It's a daily thing, and I'm always learning new things every day. If you're a fellow social media manager, or SEO consultant don't hesitate to get in contact with me! I'm always happy to trade information of value, and chat about business.
Interested in my services? Want to promote your business with social media? Contact me!
Watch my video for a quick powerpoint presentation that includes many important things to factor when deciding your marketing strategy. It might clear up a lot and help you understand some of the important of social media, the internet, and marketing.
It is quite amazing how many people aren't aware just how many customers, clients, even just fans of your work they are missing out on when they don't participate in social media. Twice as much to those who have any sort of store where product is sold.
I am still holding back full launch of the Daily Audience service that I provide until I finish the Youtube video series. Because it is not officially launched I charge a substantially low price for the service that is still being heavily researched and worked on. I currently have local clients such as Some of which have opted in on all platforms. However I'm only accepting global clients for the Facebook option right now. The price would require further consultation but likely be somewhere around $20/week for just the Facebook management service. Further research will allow me to feel comfortable enough to branch to more platforms and yield even better results after having co-operated with you and created enough material. Never be afraid to get a hold of me via e-mail:
A new video will be posted soon so subscribe, and follow along to learn more
Video Transcription:
"Welcome to
my video How social media benefits both online and local businesses
If you’re
unsure exactly what I’m talking about, or if you should be interested or not,
this applies to you shop owners, online businesses, content creators like
musicians, artists, beat production companies, etc. If you are looking for an
Audience, more people, and more customers to be driven to you this will teach
you how to do it through the internet. All of the information shown here is
factual and backed up either by sources that I will provide in the more in
depth blog post, or through my previous clients I have received in the past.
Which I will mention.
This video
playlist will be broken up in parts and you will be able to find them on my
channel or by clicking them on the screen when they are shown.
This first
video will teach you the importance of having a presence online, and social
media for local and online business owners. We will be discussing the facts,
what works, how it’s done, and why it works.
The next
video will teach you two things. How to create a professional Facebook business
page. How to apply further SEO to make sure that your target audience reaches
YOUR pages. This will make sure that when someone types in “your shop name”, a
product in your store, or anything else affiliated with your store they will
actually be able to find it!
The last
video will show you how to use your Facebook page to reach out to your specific
targeted audience to make sure that you have plenty of people viewing the
content you post. It will also show you how the Daily Audience services can
create multiple pages, design professional NON-STOCK graphics, and manage all
of this for you at an incredibly low cost. Include previous clients. Refer to
articles explaining how critical it has to have someone manage your social
media (how much time is put into it) explain how this attracts customers
In the
future I will make more tutorials for each platform, however currently I will
be focusing on Facebook, because it is incredibly powerful especially for
getting those LOCAL customers to walk through that front door!
Let’s start
with the Facts.
Why should you even bother to participate? Well
let’s start by saying that an older study BIA Kelsey did back in 2010 show how
many people exactly used the internet to browse, shop, and read reviews even
for local businesses right outside their door. An astonishing 97% of people in
Virginia were using the internet to shop LOCALLY! 4 years later social media
and the internet has snowballed it’s way to the best tool for advertisement for
a large majority of content. (refer to the sources up top)
of buyers say they trust a company more when its senior leadership team are
active in social media. Personal connections will be made, and people will feel
much closer to you, or your work especially when they can see content created
and managed by you. (or me if you opt into the Daily Audience service)
slightly older but still very relative study shows that in 2012 85% of
customers used the internet just to find a local business! Meaning they may
have heard it and instantly gone to google to search for maybe just the
address, or other online content from the business.
you’re not surprised from anything I’ve told you yet, give this one a thought.
50% of
social media users under the age of 35 follow their online friends’ products
and services. This just shows how incredibly important it is to include your
business with social media. 50% of people’s friends under the age of 35 see a
product or service their friends’ are following and join in! This is a GREAT
way to expand your customer base and make sure your content is heavily viewed!
So we’ve
established that both local and online businesses would be missing out big time
on many customers if they do not have any sort of presence online. You might
have a Facebook page with just an address that you haven’t logged into in few months.
Maybe it has a blurry old photo, and some stock graphics that you grabbed off
the internet. This is not what we’re aiming for, we don’t want to have your
customers closing out of the page and forgetting about it. What they’re looking
for is going to be more than directions, they might want more info on products,
and especially product reviews before they make their final purchase. A picture
image of your doormat simply will not cut it. So what we’re aiming for is Rich
engaging content promoting your business, alongside professional graphics and eye
candy for your customers. Remember that not all of this content has to be
created by you directly. You can link to other articles, and reviews already
out there that are relevant to your business. Of course lots of the content
will still have to be posted, managed, and created by you. Or you could opt
into the Daily Audience service to have it done for you. Remember that your
customers will have questions, comments, feedback, and will want some type of
response. Don’t lose customers by leaving them hanging!
So you’ve
gone ahead, or already created a Facebook page with everything mentioned above.
Congratulations you have your high ranking site. The most visited sites like
Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Blogger, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc all have some of
the highest authority, and page ranking when it comes to Google. (refer to
source link in blog for top 500 sites using Meaning these sites are
the ones that have the ability to go straight to the first page of Google!
Having multiple sites like these with ‘backlinks’ containing your main site
will give it even more authority allowing to to rank even better google. This
is great if you have an online store selling any kind of product, because that
means more customers will be driven to your store. I don’t want to get too
technical and confuse anybody, but your goal is gaining a respectable presence
online, one that can be easily searched and found using google or any other
search engine to bring in more traffic. If you’re a LOCAL business without any
online store, you don’t need to bother with this much because your main goal is
most likely getting customers through the door. Now…you’ve made an attractive page
that can be found when searched for after applying correct search engine
optimization, but what if you’d like to reach out to NEW and even local
customers within your area? There are SEVERAL methods of doing so. (daily
audience offers only the best and most relevant methods) These are the methods
I will be teaching you in the next video! The first one is by using Facebook as
an advertisement tool and does not require a single cent!"
(I am charging considerably lower prices until Daily Audience is officially launched you can follow the launch countdown videos here: )
The first day, and initial setup proved to be a success as shown in the last post. I insist to be given at least 5 days to finish the setup, but really it's the time shortly after where the setup really shines. A first wave of likes should come in. This includes setting up every platform that you have opted in with. For GraniteWarehouseTN this included quite a few. Experiencing this especially with this many social media platforms made me realize I must include an SEO/Social Media Consultation fee. The reason for this is because a great deal of my work requires research in your specific niche. It also requires myself (if locally) to take many pictures for content. Or having picture content sent to me via e-mail and such. Some platforms like linked in, pinterest, and google+ require very unique verification processes. Pinterest requires certain tags to be placed in the html header of your website. After the setup was complete within a week or so the page had generated 148 likes. Through proper SEO, facebook group shares, and creating clean looking professional graphics the Facebook page alone generates between 800-1000 viewers alone. This is only after the first week of the Daily Audience service.
As you can see from the screenshot the GraniteWarehouseTN Pinterest features a pinboard that shows pictures of fireworks on the 4th of July in Nashville, Tennessee! The reasoning for this is because it will easily allow local Pinterest users in the area of GraniteWarehouseTN to be redirected to the website. This allows more people to be introduced to their beautiful counter tops.
Check out a couple of the photos that have been shared between Instagram, Facebook, and such, don't be afraid to click them and give them a like! My client and I would appreciate it!
Here are a few examples of the graphic ads being shared to the Facebook groups. I do take pride in my graphic design. I know it is not flawless, I am learning everyday. However I have a good bit of knowledge, and experience about the uses and endless possibilities available with software like the Adobe Suite.
Each of these posts are viewed quite a bit even with the small list of groups I have just started building for the GraniteWarehouseTN project.
I am also still working on the Daily Audience video tutorial playlist do not worry. Through these playlists I will teach you guys a bit about what I do here, and how to do it yourself. You'll be able to view those at: